2018 Real Estate Business Insights

Thank You!

Real estate is a team sport. It’s a cooperative effort to get anything done in this business. I couldn’t have done a single deal without the help of others.

There were so many people who supported me last year. I could never name them all. I’ve been blessed with terrific family, partners, and friends. they not only make this business much easier, but they make it really fun.

Believe it or not, 2018 had some extremely stressful points. Things I’ll probably write about once the wounds heal. I could not have persevered without my faith in God, and the support of my beautiful wife.

I feel good about the numbers below. But not nearly as good as I feel about the relationships I built this year.


When you’re first starting something, you have no data points. It’s hard to measure your success.

I spent some time calculating my numbers from 2018. It was informative. I learned that overall, my business is very balanced across a number of different strategies. (I’m not sure that’s a good thing?)

Mostly, I’m excited to have something to compare myself to at the end of 2019!

Here are some of the numbers you may find interesting or helpful.


  1. Facebook Ad Spend: $444
  2. Robdrum.us all-time pageviews: 8,428
  3. Mailchimp emails delivered: 12,821
  • I’m planning to spend a lot more on Facebook in 2019. Close to 10x what I spent in 2018.
  • I really wanted to hit 10,000 pageviews on this blog, but got distracted with business picking up towards the end of the year.
  • Overall my goal is to at least double these numbers next year.


  1. Total Houses Closed: 52 (42 transactions)
  2. Total Volume: 4,159,600
  3. Listings Closed: 8
  4. Buyer Closings: 16
  • I did a variety of different transactions which makes these numbers very hard to track.
  • I’ve got a good system set up to track all this for me going into 2019.
  • My goal is to close 70 transactions in 2019.


  1. Total Houses Bought: 15
  2. Long Term Rentals Held: 7
  3. Total Fees Paid In Wholesale Assignments: $32,000
  4. Interest Paid To Private Lenders: $23,000
  • About half of what I bought was long term holds, half was flips.
  • I bought about half these properties “off-market” or from wholesalers.
  • In 2019, I’d love to double what I paid to wholesalers and to private lenders.


I’ve got a lot of plans for 2019. One of my main goals is to be more organized, and keep better track of my numbers for everything. I like being able to monitor that, and share it with y’all.

Hopefully this time next year I’ll be bringing even more insights from my own operations.

If you’re in real estate and have done an analysis of your own business, I’d love to hear any interesting facts you found. Comment on Facebook or send me an email at rob@robdrum.us